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Funding for the project entitled “Hybrid intramedullary nail with magneto-mechanical drive for human long bone lengthening” under Sub-Action 1.1.1 of the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.Agreement No: POIR.01.01.01-00-0246/21-00 dated 17.12.2021.

The utilitarian goal of the project is to introduce into the methods of treatment of human long limb asymmetry, an innovative nail with hybrid magneto-mechanical drive. The cognitive objective of the project is to conduct
specialized biomechanical, preclinical and clinical research and implementation of the developed
hybrid implant intended for use in an active method of lengthening long bones in the patient’s body.

The main result of the project is the development and implementation of a hybrid intramedullary nail, designed to lengthen human long bones. The intramedullary nail planned to be produced by the company will be the first Polish
The intramedullary nail planned by the company will be the first Polish solution intended for dynamic lengthening of long bones and will help people with lower limb length asymmetry of more than 3 cm.

The total cost of Project implementation is: PLN 9,252,053.55.

Dofinansowanie Projektu wynosi: 6 077 950,75 zł.